Basement miracles

Elaine’s Story

I first came to the Tab to discuss placing a Careforce volunteer at the church. A year later I came to work on the administration of a mission (though I never remember volunteering to do so!) During that mission, God spoke to me clearly and I felt a call to come and serve at the church. A year later, in 1995, I left my job and home in Preston and I moved into the flat in Anne Bass’s house and took up the challenge of overseeing the renovation of the basement and the setting up of Level 3. An early memory when renovating the basement in Level 3 was the challenge of paying workmen. One Friday we did not have the money to pay those who had faithfully laboured that week. I took an internal phone call from the coffee shop asking me to go up as someone had left an envelope on the counter for me. I opened the envelope and inside was exactly the amount of money we needed to pay the workmen for that week. To this day, I have no idea who provided that money!


More than a building


Great things in store