More than a building

Terry’s Story

Myself and Beth came to the Tab when the 6pm Frontline service stopped and we felt called to go to the Frontline Toxteth satellite which was happening at the time. I wasn’t familiar with Dingle/Toxteth part of town at all and I remember going out in the car to try and find the Tab and ending up at the Anglesey Pub, towards the Bread streets, and being completely lost! We rang one of our friends and they told us to go down past Coleman’s Fireproof Depository.

I remember walking through the door with Beth and being really impressed with the building and amazed at the size of the altar and the upstairs, and you know, it just being a really impressive building. 

We came away - it was different to what we were expecting, but we felt like this was where God was calling us to be. And as soon as there was an idea that we might be merging with the Tab, just Tabernacle Baptist Church, we went along to one of the morning services and felt very welcome there. 

We did some small groups together which linked different people from the two churches.  I remember being in a small group with Jack and Elaine. Lawrence was there with his harmonica. It was great to get to know people.

The building itself is really impressive, but the Tab is much more than the big building, the biggest thing is the people that make it up.  We still enjoy those early relationships we made but now there are new people too, and we love that. We feel at home here and our kids are growing up here too, and it's great.


Part of a bigger family


Basement miracles