Part of a bigger family

Alison’s Story

I came to Liverpool as a student in the mid-70s. Not long after arriving here I was invited to a student tea at the Tab.  A good way to attract students! Here I met lots of other students (including my future husband!) as well as members of the church. I felt at home here and although I spent some time visiting other churches, after a few months I knew that this was the place God wanted me to be. Forty something years later my husband and I are still here! Our two daughters grew up in the church; one of them is still involved here and now that she has her own children, the next generation of the family are worshipping here! 

The Tab has always been a place where our family has been welcome and nurtured and it has been lovely for our little family to be part of a bigger family. 

Over the years I have been involved in the musical life of the church, helped with Sunday School, Tab Tots and Kids Club and worked in Pre-school and Level 3.  Through all these years, in all life’s ups and downs, God has been faithful!


Real church: all about the people


More than a building