Christianity not so complicated

Betty’s Story

It’s almost a year since I came to the tab and it’s felt like it has been years.  This is because of the show of love and support to my kids and I since we joined. I will never forget how Karen knocked on my door to bring food for myself and kids while at the hostel, it felt like an angel sent her that night to us. My first day at the Tab was a whole different experience for me as I saw Christianity in a totally different view, and then I realised that Christianity is not so complicated after all.

At the Tab I have learned how to be closer to God, to talk to Him at free will, to share my burdens and pains with Him, to be thankful and hopeful, and to be closer to Him by getting baptised and to be a true follower as part of the Body of Christ . 

The Tab is where I found peace, a family and a place of worship. Happy Anniversary x


Trusting God to preach

