Trusting God to preach

Clare’s Story

I remember a Sunday, around 2016, when Anne Bass spoke about someone being away, and they needed someone to do the preach next week on the subject of the ‘Tabernacle’. I remember my heart racing in my chest – I really wanted to hear someone speak on this and wondered who it was going to be. I then sensed that God wanted me to tell Anne that I would do it. I quickly got up and told her, before I got cold feet!  I’d led music worship before but I’d never taught. I wasn’t sure how to go about it, but that week as I read through the passage (Exodos 25-31 - it was very long!), I felt there were certain things God wanted me to share. I remember the main one was that God’s plans are His plans, and we needed to listen and follow Him. A few people after the service encouraged me that that was meaningful to them at the time. 

I’ve preached again, a number of times, and it doesn’t really get easier! I have to really trust God each time I step up, that His Spirit will help me to say the things that need sharing. I always pray that those who are listening will have open hearts and will be encouraged. Stepping into new things can be daunting but God is faithful, He’s always with us and never lets us down.


Lawrence pointed me to God


Christianity not so complicated