Friends for life

Jack’s Story

When I was still fairly new to the Tab, I was invited to lunch with the Sims family. Lunch was not quite ready, so I took to playing with young Isaac, who was obsessed with Star Wars. I love kids, and so happily joined in, and I was given the role of Hans Solo. What an honour! However, I couldn’t fit under the table (which was supposed to be the spaceship), and sadly this led to tears. I felt awful, I’d made the kid cry.

Twenty years later, and we are having a lunch in the church building. In the crowd, I look around for my 3 year old daughters. I can see one, but where is Flo? I stick my head around the door into the play-room, and on the sofa is Flo, cuddled with Esme, the teenager daughter of the Sims family. Esme is reading a book with Flo. She didn’t even make her cry!

Over the last twenty years, I’ve shared so much of life with the Sims family. Holidays, trips, meals, laughs, tears, joys, and fears. I’ve seen their children grow, and some leave home. They’ve been constant friends through so many big life events. Psalm 68:6 says: “God sets the lonely in families.” I’m so thankful to God for the church family he has placed me in, and his faithfulness through the years.


Our Wedding Day


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