Our Wedding Day

Jack’s Story

Elaine grew up attending the Tab, and I first met her when I came to the church as a student in 2001. I didn’t really get to know her, and after a couple years she left for university. In the following years I made the Tab my home, enjoying friendship and fellowship with others in the church.

In 2006, Elaine returned to Liverpool from university and came back to the Tab. We had mutual friends, and began spending more time together, and eventually I plucked up courage and asked her on a date. She wonderfully agreed!

The news of our dating spread like wildfire, particularly amongst the more elderly members of the church, many of whom had cared for Elaine since she was a baby. I suppose I could have found this intimidating; the nudges, winks and hesitant questions; but their curiosity was accompanied by a loving tenderness for us both. Looking back, I think the love of the church for us helped form a strong foundation for the love growing between us.

Our relationship grew in the midst of the church family, and on the 8th October 2011, we were married in the church building. It was a wonderful day of celebration, in which those at the Tab were so involved. It has been followed by 11 years in which that love and support for us and our marriage has always been visible and effusive. I thank God for his faithfulness to us.


Friends at the Tab


Friends for life