God in the driving seat

Margaret’s Story

It was about 28 years ago that I first came to the Tab; my eldest was just a toddler. We’d moved into a flat at the docks and were still looking for the right church for us. My husband was working away and I’d taken little Rebecca to the cathedral, where we’d often attend on Sunday mornings. This particular Sunday a formal civic service was being held, and so I sat in the car and prayed for guidance. I felt in my heart that I was being told to drive and God would direct me, so I only found out the route as I drove along. Aware that we might be quite late, and I wouldn’t know anyone, I also prayed for an 11am start and someone to greet us at the door. When the Lord told me to stop, I was outside the Tab (pre-school entrance) and Bill was there to welcome me. (Tab services in those days started at 11am and were held in the pre-school hall). I immediately knew that this was the church family I wanted us all to be part of – and that is still true today!


Great care


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