Mattie’s Story

When lockdown started in 2020 I was 7 years old, and it felt quite weird and a bit scary. The whole world was affected by a virus and we didn’t know what was going to happen. We had to stay at home and because we couldn’t go to the church we met online through Zoom. It was strange squishing together as a family on one sofa to join church online! I used to lie on the back of the sofa in the end and later we moved to sitting in the kitchen, sometimes eating breakfast as we joined in.

Sometimes during the talk we had some sheets to colour or stories to read, but after a while I got bored of this and went off to play with my Lego. One day I decided to write some words in Lego – I wrote ‘Never give up’. My mum posted it on the Tab Facebook page and people liked the message and were encouraged by it. So I decided to carry on and most weeks I made a lockdown Lego message to share with the church. My mum reminded me that 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” There were some hard things about lockdown but doing the Lego words helped me and other people liked it too.


God in the driving seat


The Tab is my home