The Tab is my home

Jean’s Story

I came to the UK in 2018 as a refugee from Burundi. I had been a Pastor of a church for many years and I also held a senior position in a government department. Due to the political situation my life was under threat in Burundi.

After arriving in the UK, I was sent to Liverpool. I was looking for a church and came to the Tabernacle, as I lived nearby. I met good people there who received me well. They made me feel at home. They helped me with practical help. 

I enjoyed the services and particularly meeting for prayer. The church joined me in praying for my wife and children to join me in the UK. By God’s goodness they were brought here in 2018. 

I met Alex and Di and they became special friends to me and my family, and continue to be friends. 

I was rehoused away from Toxteth and it was too difficult to get to the Tab by bus, so we go to another church BUT the Tab is still my home.r!


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