Kids Club & strawberry laces

Iona’s Story

Every week at kids club we would do a memory verse. I remember trying to learn the memory verses so that I could gain points for my team. The bible verse (or bible bite, as we called it at kids club) that I remembered the best was John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” I can still remember it word for word today, years later.

Another thing I remember is the songs. We would sing songs and do actions every week. I loved it. You could gain points for your team by doing good dancing, or a funny pose at the end of the song.

The strawberry lace race was my favourite challenge. It was a race to see who could eat a strawberry lace the fastest without using their hands. Each week, several kids would race to see who could get the sweet in their mouth the fastest. One week, families came to kids club, and so did Dave Connolly, the pastor. The race between a few people had just ended, and Dave got up and volunteered to have a go. Everyone was shocked when he beat the reigning champion Adam (a leader)!


Taken to the Tab


Belonging in God’s Family