Belonging in God’s Family

Elaine’s Story

One of my first ever memories is being in the Tab.  We were such a small congregation in those days that we met in the little hall downstairs.  As my mum and dad were both doing things in the service I was sat on the knee of a very beloved lady, Joyce Baker and I remember being mesmerised by her beautiful singing.

When I was little, I was one of few children in the small congregation but I learned about what it means to be part of a church family.  I’ve watched the congregation grow and what a great day it was when we finally reached a size whereby, we could meet in the sanctuary again.

This is a very special place to me.  Here I have found love and belonging.  I got married here surrounded by friends and family.  Here I have found people who welcomed me into the world and then 35 years later some of those same arms welcomed my girls too.

Most importantly though, here I’ve found Jesus.  I was taught about him by endlessly patient teachers and encouraged in my faith.  

We’re a family here in all senses.  We’ve had our up and downs but in the end we show our love of Jesus in the way we love and care for each other.


Kids Club & strawberry laces


Lessons In faith