Lessons In faith

Cheryl’s Story

There are so many wonderful memories of my time at Toxteth Tab – so many special, faith-filled, faithful people of God, living out their faith extraordinarily: it’s hard to know where to start! 

In faith, I got baptised at the Tab a couple of months after starting to attend.

In faith, the leadership team at that time met sacrificially at 8am on Saturdays to seek the Lord and pray for His will to be done. Wow!

In faith, Summer Kids Club started after a chat (possibly on Park Road) with Mel McLain one day where we asked “What would happen if…?” And, thankfully, God brought teams together; children came; we celebrated the good news of Jesus with awesome creativity and fun; followed crazy dramas;  played games in the park; enjoyed (chaotic? - or was that just me?) family nights; prayed; and collected bucket-loads of points for our team. 

In faith, I handed in my notice from teaching with nothing but a picture I felt God gave me of Colemans depository and oodles of peace that God’s plan for me was to work in Toxteth with kids. The following day was dark and full of doubt and fear but that day 2/3 of another worker’s salary was unexpectedly offered to the Tab by a local firm. So, in faith, on the third day (glossing over a few details) I stepped into being the Children’s and Family Worker at the Tab (1998 I think). Wow! 

In faith we ran the summer kids club the year after I started, when we had an awesome team from Belfast over, and miraculously, wait for it, drumroll please… there were about 100 children (more than twice the usual number) attending over the week. So amazingly, when we, in faith, started the weekly Kids Club, it was full, with a waiting list!! No-one else could have made that happen! 

And in faith, we visited all the kids’ families every week and it was always such a blessing. 

In faith Amy B and I started a children’s house group for those wanting to follow Jesus more deeply.  

In faith we had weekends away and connected with Nefyn camps (and I met Rob, the man of my dreams!) and, well, the rest is history… God is good (understatement!) 

God bless you all, Cheryl Cross


Belonging in God’s Family


Teenager at the Tab