Laces and fun at Kids Club

Zachary’s Story

One of the memories which is freshest in my mind when writing this would be:

As per lots of the sessions at Wednesday Kids Club, we were playing a game, specifically the “Strawberry Lace Race”, where the objective was to consume a strawberry lace the fastest without the aid of your hands. We played one round as normal (I think it was Adam versus Emily – I think it was Emily) whilst Pastor Dave was doing odd jobs around Church. The players completed the round and was won by Adam, and it was at this moment when Dave must have thought it would be funny to have a go, as he asked if he could try his hand at the lace race. The leaders being nice, said he could against Adam, but what they didn’t expect was what came next. Complete ANNIHALATION! Dave absolutely “swallowed” down the lace! Another could be when we played a game where you had to race against another person in eating a certain number of cream crackers and then blowing up a balloon. As you can expect, there was quite a lot of cream cracker in the balloon after it had been blown. Someone had the idea to turn the balloons into maracas, which I just remember everyone thought was very funny!


A ‘Very Blessed’ Street


Tab Kid’s Club & Cae Canol