Tab Kid’s Club & Cae Canol

Steve’s Story

I was fortunate enough to be involved in Tab Kid’s Club since it first opened its doors in September 2000 under the leadership of Cheryl Cross. Over the next 15 or so years we saw around 30 local children attend each week to play games, do craft and learn about Jesus. We visited each family every week on a Monday to give them a colouring sheet which they returned on a Wednesday in exchange for points.

The highlights for me, apart from numerous opportunities to dress up and try out a range of accents, were the weekends away at Cae Canol. Almost every year we headed off to North Wales and spent a weekend in a house just outside Beddgelert. These weekends were packed with a range of fun activities interweaved with bible teaching, prayer and singing.

You really had to be there to fully appreciate the significance of these weekends. However, three key things remain with me 

  • parents trust us to take their children away (in many cases their first night away from home) whilst not really knowing us that well;

  • no children were seriously hurt or ill during one of these trips; and

  • children learning about Jesus and praying to him with deep sincerity.

I am convinced that God’s hand was upon these weekends and pray that the truths shared, and the memories will work together through God’s spirit to draw these children to himself over time.

Mini-bus breakdown on the A55 -  Farmer telling jokes while jump starting our minibus

Min-bus skidding in the ice/snow -  Making Snow men -   Making Snow angels

Snowball fights -   Playing pool -   Hunting the Yeti -   Howling for Gelert

Listening to an expanded version of the Beddgelert narrative -   Playing pooh-sticks

Suitcases full of sweets -   Racing boats made from drink bottles and glow sticks at night

Looking for Lionel Richie* -  Hunting for glow worms -   Chasing wild deer (not real ones)

Meeting Tracie (Prince Llewellin’s wife) -   Making pizzas -   Eating coco-pops

Enjoying the fine selection of ice creams -   Purchasing tat from the newsagents

Retrieving car keys stuck in a vending machine -  Camp-fires – Playing ‘fetch

Please pray these memories and those each of the kids have will ultimately cause them to turn to Jesus and trust him with their future. 

* - A number of wanted posters appeared around Cae Canol featuring” Is it me you’re looking for?” Lionel Richie, Feb 1984


Laces and fun at Kids Club


Sunday school and sausage rolls!