Learning About Christianity & Finding Peace

Siama’s Story

I met with Fiona from the Tab at the Tab main door, where along with a few other ladies she was helping with an Easter Egg hunt for children. I saw beautiful children on the gate sharing stories of their egg bringing. Parents were there to answer them and at the end they were giving gifts to the children.  My hostel was near the Tab and I was passing by, and I stopped and asked to learn more as it was something very new for me. My first interaction with the church led me to beautiful friendships with the group. Where I met the lovely Ruth, Fliss, Karen, Albi, Sharon, Fouzia, and got support through Toxteth Women’s Centre.

I am part of the different activities such as picnics in the park. I like the services with singing. I find it very peaceful. I like the way the Tab help people in need without any judgment. I also like the way the Tab always welcome non-Christian’s. I think it is the real message of religion to help humanity. I learn a lot about Christianity. I love the way everyone feels the pain (compassion) and tries to help you.

I congratulate all the Tab members and pray for the peace for people of all religion in UK

Thanks for all the help  


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