God Supplies Workers

Joyce’s Story

When I was 60, I retired from the NHS.  Terry Jones had become our pastor.  He, like those before him had a great vision of reaching into the community.  It was at this time that the Pre-school was started.  Prior to this, other efforts were made eg Youth Club, Women & Children, Students.  It “happened” that I was put in touch with a Christian teacher who needed work, Tracy Caulfield, and a local lady, Margy Walker, so the Pre-school got off the ground.  A few years later there was the thought of opening a coffee shop. Anne & Bill Bass and family returned from Indonesia, so Anne was able to take over Pre-school.

Terry, having studied in Spurgeon’s College, London, had many contacts with students.  A group came to us, and they helped enormously with the outreach.  Another group from the south came and helped in the building, carrying out electrical and structural work in the basement.  We still had the idea of opening a coffee shop.  Terry Jones had a friend who had worked in catering, and he was a great help in organising and teaching us.  Once more God supplied workers (and equipment) from unexpected sources. One was Brenda, a Christian, a great cook looking for work.  There were Tab members willing to help; Terry’s niece then living in Liverpool; A friend of Joy Harris, an Irish lady, who supplied us with suitable Christian literature.

The coffee shop continued for several years.  Stan McFall, an American missionary, would often come and sit down at a table and chat with people.  Many today remember the coffee shop, the good food and friendship.  Sadly, it eventually closed due to financial problems.

“There is a time to plant and a time to uproot.”
Ecclesiastes 3:2

We trust that the seed sown, even after years will yet bring forth fruit.

“As for God, His way is perfect.”
Deuteronomy 32:4


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