Level 3

Steve’s Story

I was fortunate enough to be work in Level 3 from September 2001 until it finally closed in March 2006. I could see God’s hand in this appointment as I had left the sunny Cotswolds and my previous career as a mechanical engineer behind to retrain as maths teacher. My passion was not so much maths as to play some part in seeing children and young people receive a good education giving them more opportunities than ever before intwined with showing them something of Jesus and when the opportunity arose to talk to them about him.

In Level 3 I was primarily responsible for maths, science, metal work, graphics, sport and latterly I took on some woodwork. Whilst Level 3 faced many challenges there were also some real joys and successes we experienced and observed. 

I am convinced that the pupils saw something of Jesus in the staff, certainly every encounter I’ve had with past pupils has been extremely positive. I had listed some of my highlights and memories below.

  • Canoeing in the dock

  • Being pushed into the dock whilst waiting to go canoeing 

  • Helping pupils make aluminium pencil cases* 

  • Helping pupils make wooden stools

  • Seeing pupils gaining entry level certificates in maths, science, and graphics

  • Helping pupils make copper, brass and aluminium tea light holders for Christmas

  • Games of football (inc. sustaining a cracked rib during one tackle)

  • Playing pool, pool and more pool with pupils

  • Being inspected and seeing the pupils demand that the inspector completed maths task as well (she duly obliged and got it correct)

  • Climbing at Awesome Walls

  • Making boxes for chocolates using a vacuum former and carboard

  • Talking with pupils, at times some very deep conversations

  • Watching pupils complete some formal science experiments with little or no assistance from staff

Many of the pupils I have since the project closed have fond memories of their time there. For many of them it was the first time they had felt valued in an educational setting. 

Recently I found out I was teaching a child whose parent attended Level 3. It was a joy (and relief) to discover that Level 3 had played a significant part of changing the parent’s perception of the value of education. Many of my discussions with past pupils have quickly moved onto how they are playing an active role in the children’s life and education.

Please pray these memories and those each of the kids have will ultimately caused them to turn to Jesus and trust him with their future. 

* - pupils did not keep pencils in these “pencil cases”, however, there were very careful in their measurements to ensure there were no gaps around the corners or by the opening of their pencil cases.


From Toxteth to Indonesia


Christmas Helpers