Not going back: Called to Toxteth

Clare’s Story

My husband and I were married in Romford Baptist Church in 2004. In 2005 his job brought us up to Liverpool. I’m a northerner and he’s a southerner! We thought we were only staying for 6 months but we still wanted to find a local church family. We drove down Park Road one day and saw the circular signs on the front of the Tab – ‘Making Jesus Known’ and ‘Serving the City’. My heart was excited to see a church which made it clear it cared for its community. We walked up those big steps and were warmly welcomed, and came back again the following week. Jump forward a few months and we were still expecting to go back to London. We sat down for a meal together at New Year, 2006, and at the same time said to each other, ‘we’re not going back are we?’. God had changed our hearts, to leave London and to settle in Toxteth. So in faith we left behind family, including a church family we had been married in, a home and jobs. When God calls you to something, He always provides and always makes a way, even if we don’t understand the ‘what’ and the ‘whys’. God really has been faithful in all the seasons of life we’ve experienced here, and I’m so thankful for the Tab Church family I get to travel those seasons and serve with.


Sharing food and fellowship


Lawrence pointed me to God