Sharing food and fellowship

Clare’s Story

When I think of the Tab community, I think of fellowship and food! 

Dave and Sue Urwin’s recipe exchange, the smell of Tab Pre-school lunches being cooked, fellowship lunches (Steve Bodmin’s ever present offer of garlic bread), sharing roast dinners on our doorsteps when we couldn’t gather together during Covid, any food cooked by our international church family – they know how to do hospitality! Joyce Bakers wonderous traybakes that were shared around after Summer Kids Club, sticky decorated biscuits gifted to us from our proud children (mmm…), Tony’s curry’s, Lauren’s cake baking and liberal use of food colouring, Rona’s heavenly cakes, sharing Tommy’s favourite home-made sausage rolls with him when he was unwell, Emily and friends cupcake stall when they were only little that raised hundreds of pounds for charity, children’s party buffets, Julie’s pavlova, shared meals at Saturday night parties with families from Toxteth Women’s Centre, Sandra making and gifting Christmas cakes, Easter eggs and sweets that were delivered to us in Lockdown, picnics in the park (and in the church when it rained..), popping over to Kevin’s for chips or a Chinese meal on family games night, the sticky toffee pudding that Rosy made when we were invited to stay for lunch on our first visit to the Tab (and which my husband wishes I could make!), sharing the snacks around at Tab Tots (and someone putting a cup of tea in your hand when you’d had a long morning…), being delivered meals when our babies were born (and we were so tired and so grateful) and then getting the chance to do it for others, the book on weaning Corrinne ordered and posted to me (5 months in I was still tired and still grateful!), pancakes cooked by Tony and later by Jack, vegetables from the Bodman’s allotment, eating lunch together before heading to Princes Park with Summer Kids Club, delivering Christmas dinner to friends we missed sharing Christmas with during Covid, and Steve Alcost helping with Tabfest BBQs (in December!). 

I’m so thankful for the gentle and everyday ways the Tab community serve each another. Sometimes it’s through food; gifted, shared and enjoyed, and often it’s through other ways that nourish one another; listening and praying together, sharing words of truth and encouragement.  

“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace”

1 Peter 4:8


A transformed heart for Toxteth


Not going back: Called to Toxteth