Faithful Sowing: Tab Kids Club

Amy’s Story

I was blessed to be on the TAB (Totally Absolutely Boss) Kids’ Club team from 2000 until 2009 (when I had Iona) and 2017 - 2019 (when Theo was old enough to come along too). 

I loved the chance to build relationships with local children and their families, both through the Wednesday club and through the weekly visiting of homes. We enjoyed weekends away in Cae Canol, Beddgelert, and summer camps in Nefyn. 

Wednesday evenings were busy and fun, with games, craft, songs and challenges, but we also made sure each week included truth from the Bible. We longed that each child would know the amazing love God had for them, and that they could know Him for themselves, because of Jesus’ death in our place. Our greatest desire was that they would choose to follow Jesus for themselves. 

We ran small group sessions too, whether Kids’ House-group in Cheryl’s house, or Bible studies in the Tab basement. 

And when there was a sizeable group who were then too old for Kids’ Club, we started the Youth Group in order to continue those relationships. As well as the weekly sessions there were trips to the Christian Mountain Centre, Llanbedr, where the young people could try new activities in God’s amazing creation, and perhaps even push themselves to do things that didn’t think possible!

In all my involvement with this ministry, I saw God’s leading, his protection and his providing, whether team, resources or finance. He used it to stretch me, to grow me and also to remind me of the wonder of the gospel. What amazing good news we have to share!  And may God graciously water the many seeds that were faithfully sown through this work, so that they germinate, grow and bear fruit, for His glory!


Teenager at the Tab


Films, Fun & Sharing God’s Love